Bank of America

What should I know going into an interview at Bank of America?

Really depends on what job you are interviewing for. I think it’s always important to be as personable and genuine as you can. Express WHY you are interested in the line of business you are seeking to enter and be ready to speak to anything that appears on your resume.
Banking Finance Interview Bank of America Merrill Lynch
9 answers

How would you describe the company culture at Bank of America ?

Like any industry that pays their employees well and has tons of good benefits, they demand result and your numbers to be up all the time, they motivate high achievers greatly, offering them training and insights on other roles within the bank. Your team culture may vary from the bank's culture s...
Banking Finance Company Culture Bank of America
9 answers

How can I succeed at Bank of America Merrill Lynch?

Be attentive, on time, and a hard worker. Know when it's appropriate to ask upper level management questions. Try and problem solve yourself first.
Banking Finance Skillset Bank of America Merrill Lynch
5 answers

Can I expect a lot of support from upper management at BAML during my internship?

BAML has a fantastic training program and engaged managers. Very professional workplace with plenty of support. Great first job.
Banking Relationship with Upper Management Bank of America
3 answers

For a recent college grad, would you say Bank of America is a good place to start a career?

With BAML you have 8 lines of services, Merrill Lynch, and Merrill Edge. This gives you the opportunity to move to a different sector if you want. BAML supports each individual's career goals. For example, they will help pay for your MBA, sponsor you for your series, CFP, CFA, etc. If you work ha...
Banking Career Progression Bank of America
3 answers

What's the daily routine like for a summer analyst at Bank of America?

Currently, I am going through training in order to prepare for the role. However, my summer analyst role with BAML will look a lot different compared to an analyst in New York. Throughout the summer I get to assist in building plans for clients, shadow people from various sectors of the office, a...
Internship Finance Analyst Day in the Life Bank of America Merrill Lynch
3 answers

What kind of mentorship program does Bank of America Merrill Lynch offer its employees?

There's no formal mentoring program. Your mentor is technically your financial advisor. You come to him/her about everything. However, you could also find people in the office who may take you under their wing.
Banking Mentor Bank of America
3 answers

Do summer analysts have much, if any, work ownership during their time at BAML?

You may only own an assigned project, but you can always ask for more responsibility if you are comfortable with your current work level. Of course it also depends on whether your manager have time to mentor you in any extra project and whether there exists extra work to be assigned to you. You k...
Banking Analyst Work Ownership Bank of America Summer Intern Merrill Lynch
2 answers

Realistically, just how much work-life balance can I expect as a summer analyst at Bank of America?

Zero work-life balance. Saturdays were off, but Sundays you are at the office a couple of hours. Expect go in aroud 9:30 but never leave before midnight. I pulled a couple of all-nighters.
Banking Analyst Work-Life Balance Bank of America Summer Intern Merrill Lynch
2 answers

Tips on how I can turn my internship at Bank of America Merrill Lynch into a full-time offer?

When you are given a task, make sure you complete it on time and that you are making every effort for your work product to add-value. One thing in particular would be to find inefficiencies in any day-to-day process, learn how to make that process or project more efficient, develop your comprehen...
Internship Auditing Return Offer Bank of America
2 answers

What should I make sure to touch on in an interview for a credit analyst internship?

Typically, they are looking for individuals that can fit the Bank's and team's culture who also have strong communications skills and can handle themselves under pressure. Highlight the various extracurricular activities that you're involved in on or off campus and how you go about being successf...
Internship Interview Analyst Bank of America
2 answers

Does a wealth management intern contribute to BofA's company mission and overall objectives?

The firm’s mission was mainly to create manage accounts and create financial plans that are best tailored to a client’s needs and geared towards their goals. My role contributed to this mission as I was able to help advisors on the back end of their business and be a resource to them as they cond...
Internship Banking Company Mission Finance & Financial Management Bank of America Wealth Management Merrill Lynch
2 answers

How much support is offered by upper management to financial or credit analyst interns at BofA?

It really depends on your rotation assignment. In my first rotation, I received a lot of help from my director; however, in my second rotation I did not. Nonetheless, all interns are given junior and senior mentors who meet with you throughout the summer.
Internship Banking Finance Relationship with Upper Management Analyst Bank of America Global Markets
2 answers

What does someone do as a wealth management intern at Bank of America?

I was put with a smaller wealth management group (about 15 people). I would go to their office 4 days a week, then spend Fridays at the main office...few blocks north. Day to Day I would either help with some budgeting, do some internal operational type of tasks, or work on my end of internship p...
Internship Banking Day in the Life Bank of America Wealth Management Merrill Lynch
2 answers

What can I expect from a typical work day as a relationship banker at BofA Merrill Lynch?

You have a ipad or tablet with appointments to start the day. You assign appointments first thing in the morning, you walk around the lobby once the branch opens and assist clients with any questions. Tellers call on you to add clients to the que to be seen by a banker if the clients need anythin...
Banking Day in the Life Personal Banker Bank of America Merrill Lynch
1 answer

What skills can help me succeed as an auditor at Bank of America?

The most important skills are being able to identify trends and solve problems. I realize that is a cliche answer and one you have heard from a number of people by now but it is true. Most of the work I do currently has no relation to the technical skills I acquired in school. However, the projec...
Finance Auditing Skillset Bank of America
1 answer

What does a relationship banker at Bank of America Merrill Lynch do?

You work solely for Bank of America, some branches have partners that work for Merrill Lynch that you work with for referrals of clients for investment assistance. A Relationship Banker is a lobby host, banker, and assistant to the branch management. You are responsible for assigning appointments...
Day in the Life Personal Banker Bank of America
1 answer

What level of work ownership/responsibility should I expect as a technology analyst intern at BofA Merrill Lynch?

In my experience, I had a lot of ownership in the sense that I was the only one working on the project besides checking in with my manager from time to time and getting occasional advice from other developers and business analysts. However, I won't say that I had complete creative ownership. How ...
Technology Analyst Analyst IT Work Ownership Bank of America
1 answer

What skills can help me succeed as a business analyst at Bank of America Merrill Lynch?

Good time management skills, strong computer skills Excel,Microsoft suite ,Leadership skills,problem solving skills,researchingskills,analytical skills and team player skills. sometimes other work places asked for sql training. I didn't had to do that.
Analyst Skillset Business Analyst Bank of America
1 answer

Pointers for a candidate going into an interview for a technology developer intern role at BofA Merrill Lynch?

- The process typically begins with a phone interview where you'll be tested on basic computer science concepts like databases, data structures and object-oriented concepts from Java/Python. - On clearing the phone interview, you'll be flown into NYC for a Super Day where you'll be going through ...
Internship Interview Bank of America Developer
1 answer