MITRE Corporation

Business Transformation/Processes intern

June - August 2018 • McLean, VA

What I liked

The culture of the campus. The independence on tasks. The helpful atmosphere. The abundance of opportunities to learn and grow.

What I wish was different

Nothing in their control.


Definitely strive for an internship. They help you get actual experience in your field that can help you determine how much you truly like that field. Take advantage of every opportunity at the internship ship and build relationships that last well beyond the experience both personally and business-wise. They may help you more in the future than at the time of inception!
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Cyber Security Intern

May - August 2021 • McLean, VA

What I liked

Lots of creative freedom for problem solving and constant opportunities to learn new topics.

What I wish was different

I wish COVID didn't force the internship to be remote


Here you are expected to thrive in the face of challenge
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Software Development Engineering Intern

May - August 2021 • Bedford, MA

What I liked

Great intern events. Great people. Exciting and meaningful projects for interns

What I wish was different

Wish I could have gone in person. Most of it was remote due to covid


Try to do some of the optional intern events such as the mentoring or learning track programs. They are fantastic!
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AI Test and Evaluation Intern

June - August 2021 • McLean, VA

What I liked

The work was interesting and I was treated like any other member of the team. My mentor was understanding and allowed relatively flexible hours.

What I wish was different

Due to COVID, the internship was virtual which did not allow me to


Reach out to people, form personal connections, network
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Electrical and Computer Engineering Intern

May 2021 • McLean, VA

What I liked

I liked the company environment as a whole. They were very intentional about investing in the learning of the interns and put us on real projects that affected their sponsors.

What I wish was different

Personally, just want to work in a different field than defense.


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Homeland Security Intern

June - September 2021 • McLean, VA

What I liked

The people at MITRE were extremely friendly and got me worked into the work stream very quickly. I felt like I really was able to contribute meaningful work to the mission while at the same time never being put in a position where I was tasked with something that was over my head.

What I wish was different

There were times, especially at the end of the internship, where I felt a little under-utilized as work wrapped up. The last couple of weeks I definitely wasn't as busy as I'd liked to have been. I also had this internship remote due to Covid complications which wasn't ideal.


MITRE did a great job of allowing opportunities to network; take advantage of them and soak up all the knowledge you can from the people you'll be able to talk to.
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cybersecurity engineering intern

May 2021 • Bedford, MA

What I liked

Great culture, enjoyed the work and the learning experiences and getting to work with new technologies and learn new skills

What I wish was different

The internship was in person rather than being remote


Go in with an open mind, be focused, don’t be afraid to ask questions and always try to learn new things
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Systems Engineering Intern

June 2020 - August 2021 • McLean, VA

What I liked

What I wish was different


Don't be afraid to try something new!
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Software Engineer Intern

May - August 2021 • Charlottesville, VA

What I liked

Everybody was super kind and helpful. I learned so much and worked with such cool people!

What I wish was different

Sometimes a bit more direction would have been nice and I wish it was in-person, though I understand that would be challenging.


Go in with an open mind to learn as much as you can and gain the most from this experience as possible.
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Software Engineering Intern

May 2019 • Bedford, MA

What I liked

I liked the practicality of the project I was working on, the people I was working with, the flexibility of the environment, and all of the learning I was able to experience.

What I wish was different


It is good to explore different kinds of internships, even if it is not focused on exactly what your major might be.
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Cyber Operations Specialist

May - August 2020 • Bedford, MA

What I liked

I really appreciated the support network for interns and the amount of information that was available to help new hires quickly adapt to the work.

What I wish was different

I wish that I had more classes and experience before working for MITRE because I felt I could have done a much better job with the skills and knowledge that I learned even in the semester after the internship ended.


Ask questions and make sure you don't let MITRE's library of resources don't go to waste.
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Satellite Systems Intern

May - August 2020 • Bedford, MA

What I liked

Very good community! Flexible work schedule, additional opportunities for learning, and various fun project-based challenges with other interns. Found a position for me on a team I enjoyed.

What I wish was different


Seak out additional learning opportunities/networking and partnering with other interns.
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Data Security Intern

June - August 2020 • McLean, VA

What I liked

The people I worked with were nice. I got to learn more about different topics.

What I wish was different

COVID-19 situation prevented me from getting to know the other interns and building personal connections.


Working from home vs working in office makes a pretty big difference in terms of experience and building connections.
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Data Science Intern

May - October 2020 • Bedford, MA

What I liked

The mentors guided me in every aspect of learning how to excel in the workplace, especially as this experience was remote.

What I wish was different


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Software Development Intern

May - August 2019 • McLean, VA

What I liked

There is a massive breadth of work at MITRE. Anything that I topic I wanted to work on, I could find a team doing research or creating apps in that area and either learn from them or join the team. There is a lot of flexibility in the work you do because of this, and my grouplead was more than happy to let me explore outside of my own group. I also liked the fact that the work I was doing was recognized and actually implemented right away into systems we were working on, and it felt like we were making a real world impact.

What I wish was different


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Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Quantico, VA

What I liked

Coworkers were incredibly intelligent, kind, inclusive, accommodating and superiors were respectful and highly capable. The work is as varied as the opportunity and the environment is highly suited to people who wish to build resumes, expand education, and make a difference in military and government advising.

What I wish was different

The age gap between myself and most of my coworkers was a little larger than I would have originally sought, but that had no effect on the enjoyable nature of the social interaction and new blood is being added every year. That was also simply the nature of the Quantico site while the McLean and Bedford sites have a lot more even age distributions.


Don't be afraid to ask questions and be ready to learn new skills to accomplish tasks you may never have tried before.
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Cyber Security Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Rockville, MD

What I liked

The team that I worked with was amazing and encouraging to me. I was able to work closely with the project and actually contribute to the work that was being done. Much of what I did was very challenging and it helped me grow as a professional in the field.

What I wish was different

I do not have anything in particular that I would have wanted to be different.


Place yourself into tasks that might be outside of your scope and use it to push yourself and grow with it. Work hard everyday and ask questions when you are unsure. Settling for what is comfortable will not help you develop as an individual nor professional.
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Software Engineering Intern

May 2019 • McLean, VA

What I liked

Getting to do real work. Fun and relaxed work environment

What I wish was different

Sticking to one project the entire summer opposed to multiple project.


Apply apply apply, if you see multiple job posting from one company apply to all of them.
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Mechanical Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Bedford, MA

What I liked

They get you involved right away—I was given a meaningful project on day 1 that had a direct impact on the success of a government contract.

What I wish was different


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High Performance Computing Intern

June - August 2019 • McLean, VA

What I liked

I enjoyed the relaxed flow of work and the freedom to participate in multiple projects.

What I wish was different


This experience was very self-motivated. The work you want to put in is the outcome of your experience at MITRE. As someone who enjoys their freedom, it was an enjoyable time, but take this freedom with caution.
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